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Introduction to Therapy : What to Expect in Your First Therapy Session

Updated: Aug 13

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Taking the first step towards therapy can be both exciting and a bit daunting. Understanding what happens during your initial session can help overcome your concerns and prepare you for a positive experience. At Wise Mind Psychology, we aim to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to help you feel comfortable and ready to embark on your journey towards mental wellness.


The Introduction Process: Getting to Know You

The first session, often called an intake session, is primarily about getting to know you and understanding your concerns. Here's what typically happens during this initial meeting:


1. Introduction and Rapport Building:

   - I will begin by introducing myself and explaining my role.

   - You’ll have the opportunity to share a bit about yourself, your background, and what has brought you to therapy.

   - Building rapport is crucial, as a strong therapist-client relationship is the foundation of effective therapy.


2. Confidentiality and Trust:

   - I will explain the confidentiality of the sessions, ensuring you feel safe and secure.

   - Understanding that what you share in therapy stays private (with a few exceptions) helps build trust and openness.


3. Initial Assessment:

   - I will ask questions about your mental health history, current symptoms, and any relevant medical or personal background.

   - This assessment helps me gain a good understanding of your situation and tailor the therapy to your needs.


4. Setting Goals:

   - Together, you and I will discuss what you hope to achieve through therapy.

   - Setting clear, realistic goals is an essential part of the process, providing direction and measurable outcomes.



Common Topics Discussed During the First Therapy Session


During the intake session, you might discuss various aspects of your life and mental health, including:

- Current Issues: The problems or symptoms that prompted you to seek therapy.

- History: Any past mental health issues, treatments, or significant life events.

- Lifestyle: Your daily routines, work, relationships, and social life.

- Strengths and Resources: Identifying your strengths and available support systems.


Developing a Therapy Treatment Plan


Based on the initial assessment and your goals, your therapist will work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan. This plan may include:

- Therapy Approach: An explanation of the therapeutic approach that will be used (e.g., Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, DBT and/or mindfulness techniques).

- Session Frequency: How often you will meet for therapy sessions.

- Homework Assignments: Any tasks or exercises to complete between sessions to reinforce what you’ve discussed in therapy.


Your Questions Answered


Your first session is also a great time to ask any questions you might have about the therapy process. Common questions might include:

- What can I expect from future sessions?

- How long will therapy take?

- What if I don’t feel comfortable with my therapist?


I am there to address any concerns and ensure you feel comfortable and informed.


 Take the First Step Today


Starting therapy is a courageous and proactive step towards better mental health. At Wise Mind Psychology, we are dedicated to providing a supportive and compassionate environment where you can feel heard and understood. If you’re ready to explore how therapy can help you, we invite you to book your free initial consultation today.



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